Að skipuleggja heimsókn

1 – Veldu dagsetningar

Hafðu samband við umboðsmann Kreativ Dental á Íslandi til að ákveða dagsetningar fyrir tannlæknatíma. Í Ungverjalandi eru ólíkir almennir frídagar þannig að það er mikilvægt að vera viss um að tannlæknastofan sé opin þegar þér hentar að koma.

2 – Að bóka flug

Hér er gagnlegur linkur þar sem beint flug á milli Keflavíkur og Búdapest sést mánuð fyrir mánuð. Bara setja í „Origin“ Keflavík og „Destination“ Budapest. Þá koma tvær töflur – sú efri sýnir Kef – Bud og sú neðri sýnir Bud – Kef og má þar sjá alla flugdaga og öll verð fyrir þann tíma sem þú hefur valið. Gætið bara að því að hafa rétta mánuði í töflunum miðað við hvaða tímabil þú villt skoða. Fyrir neðan „mánuðinn“ í töflunum er lína með punktum sem auðveldar manni að sjá hæsta og lægsta verð í hverjum mánuði.

Við getum einnig aðstoðað þig við að finna ódýrasta flugið og við getum jafnvel hjálpað þér að bóka flugið þitt.

3 – Að bóka gistingu

Kreativ Dental hefur samið um sérstök kjör við nokkur hótel á svæðinu. Til að þessi sérstöku gjöld gagnist þér verðum við að bóka gistinguna.
Til að skoða gistinguna nánar bjóðum við þér að ýta hér.

4 – Staðfesting

Áður en þú leggur af stað munum við senda þér staðfestingu á tímabóknum þínum, ferðatilhögun og gistingu (ef gistingin hefur verið bókuð í gegnum okkur).

5 – Koma til Búdapest

Einn af fulltrúm Kreativ Dental og bílstjóri munu hitta þig við afgreiðsluborðið hjá Kreativ Dental á flugvellinum í Búdapest sem staðsett er í flughöfn 2A – gegnt bílaleiguborðunum. Þar færðu tímakortið þitt afhent sem hefur að geyma dagsetningu og hvenær dags fysti tíminn þinn er. Síðan verður ekið með þig annað hvort á hótelið eða á tannlæknastofuna sem er háð því hvenær fyrsti tími þinn er hjá tannlækninum.

Til að bóka tíma hjá tannlækninum einfaldlega hafðu samband við okkur eða sendu skilaboð.

Airport deskAirport desk

Contact us

To schedule an appointment or consultation please fill the form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Alternatively, you are welcome to give us a call or send us an email and we’ll be happy to answer all your questions

Dr. András Zsendovits, General Practitioner

András first qualified in 1992 as a General Dentist from Semmelweis Medical University, Budapest. After becoming a specialist in General Dentistry in 1995, he worked as a private dentist and practiced as a dental surgeon at Rókus Hospital, Budapest. In 1995 he became a specialist in General Dentistry. His specialist field is Crown and Bridgework.

Dr. Balázs Vass, General Practitioner

Balázs qualified in 1999 from Semmelweis Medical University as a General Dentist. He then worked for 2 years as a Clinical Dentist. After 6 years experience treating German and Austrian patients in Hungary, he joined Kreativ Dental in 2007. Balázs speaks both English and German.

Dr. Iván Solymosi, General Practitioner

Iván qualified in 2000 from Semmelweis Medical University, Budapest. In 2002 he joined Kreativ Dental after gaining 2 years experience in private practice. His special interests are Endodontics and Cosmetic Dentistry

Dr. Péter Magos

Dr. Péter Magos, General Practitioner

Péter qualified in 1994 from the University of Dentistry, Budapest. He was awarded a Fellowship in Dental Surgery for two years at the University of Dentistry in Vienna. Following several hospital positions in restorative dentistry and oral-maxillo facial surgery where he gained valuable surgical training, he joined our dental team in 1998. His special interest is Cosmetic Dentistry.

Dr. Lajos Patonay, Oral Surgeon and Implantologist

Louis first qualified in 1989 as a General Doctor from Semmelweis Medical University, Budapest. In 1994 he qualified as a General Dentist, qualifying in Maxillo-Facial Surgery in 1999. Since then he has been working exclusively as a Dental Surgeon and his specialist field is Implantology.

Medical Registration Number: 48939

Numéro d’inscription médicale : 48939

Dr. Cristian Pilihaci, General Practitioner

Cristian graduated in 1988 from the Neumarkt Dental School. In 1992 he became a specialist in General Dentistry, and since 1994 has pursued his particular interest in Implantology and Cosmetic Dentistry. Cristian has also achieved the Cambridge First Certificate in English.

Keve Horváth

Keve Horváth joined our team of dental technicians. He works in the Ceramic Department as a master ceramist. After he graduated in 1994, he furthered his knowledge from several symposiums in Hungary, Germany and Belgium (for example Noritake and Ivoclar). In 2006 he held a course „Esthetic Front” with a real patient presence, which is a special event in Hungary and also in Europe.

János Rendetzky, Master Ceramist

János is Leader of the Ceramic Department where all Porcelain Fused to Metal Crowns, Full Porcelain Crowns, Veneers and Inlays are skillfully crafted. Furthermore, he is one of the few exclusive demonstrators in Europe of the German company Vita which produces the best quality dental porcelain in the world.

Dr Ádám Bíró, Endodontist

Ádám graduated in 2011 from the Semmelweis University, Faculty of Dentistry. Since then he worked at the Department of Conservative Dentistry, untill he finished a 3 year postgraduate training in conservative dentisty and prosthodontics. He also participated in the education of students both in Hungarian and English language. Ádám joined the Kreativ Dental team in 2014. His special interest is endodontics.

Dr. Bernard Tóth

Bernard graduated in 2012 from the Semmelweis University, Faculty of Dentistry. Since then he has worked at the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery at St. John’s Hospital Budapest for 3 years and then obtained his specialization in dentoalveolar surgery in 2015. Meanwhile, he worked in private dentistry as a general dentist.

His special field is oral surgery, implantology and prosthodontics.

He joined the Kreativ Dental team in 2015.

Dr Bálint Török

Bálint qualified at Semmelweis University, Faculty of Dentistry in 2007. Since then he has been working at the Department of Periodontology, Semmelweis University, and participates in national and international conferences (Europerio, IADR). He finished his 3 year postgraduate periodontal training in 2010. Bálint joined Kreativ Dental in 2013, his specialist field is periodontal surgery.

Dr. Ádám Pánczél

Ádám graduated in 1998 from the University of Szeged. In 2000 he became a Dental Surgeon /Specialist in General Dentistry.

After working as a Dental Surgeon at BKKMi County Hospital, Maxillo-Facial Department, Kecskemét, Hungary between 2000 and 2006, he spent 7 years as private dentist and as General Dental Practitioner in the United Kingdom.

He joined the Kreativ Dental team in 2013.