Kreativ Dental Ireland, based in Clontarf, Dublin 3 is managed and directed by Mary Flanagan who will assist and support the Irish patient from time of enquiry, through to travel and accommodation, during your stay, while you are having your dental treatment abroad and most importantly aftercare, when you come home. Kreativ Dental Clinic gives a Lifetime Guarantee on Dental Implants and 5 yrs. Guarantee on Porcelain Crowns and Porcelain Bridgework.
Kreativ Dental Clinic offers you the most extensive guarantee available from any dental clinic in Europe because we are highly confident in the high standard of our workmanship and in the quality of the materials we use. No other dental clinic can match our guarantee terms‘.
Mary Flanagan, Kreativ Dental Ireland provides all patients with a ‘hands on level’ of service and support which brings patients back to us time after time. “Our patient is our priority.”
Every month Mary travels to Budapest on an accompanied trip, she flies with you, stays in the same hotel and is available at all times in the clinic, to help, support and reassure you. Contact Mary and she will advise you of the dates of her accompanied trips. These trips book up very quickly so it is advisable to contact Mary approx. 4 weeks beforehand. Tel. 01-8055526 / 086-0299998 or email
Mary has first hand experience of Kreativ Dental Clinic, being a patient 10 yrs. ago. She received extensive dental treatment, including dental implants, porcelain crowns and gnathological treatment and describes her experience and the results as being the “Best thing she has ever done for herself in her own Life.” Mary’s passion and enthusiasm for Kreativ Dental Ireland representing Kreativ Dental Clinic, Budapest, is very reassuring and comforting for all our patients.
Having spent many months researching and visiting dentists in Ireland, Northern Ireland, UK and Europe, Mary was referred to Kreativ Dental Clinic, by a retired Irish dentist, who had met the dentists from Kreativ Clinic at various different conferences and who also visited the clinic, by invitation from the owner.
When Mary arrived, she was astounded by the state of the art clinic, advanced techniques, quality, service, affordability and guarantee that Kreativ Dental offered to her.
Mary at Kreativ Dental Ireland has huge empathy for patients. She fully understands people’s needs from the smallest to the largest. Mary has spoken about how her confidence has increased and also how she feels so much healthier, as she can now eat all food’s with no difficulty and how, she now loves to Smile. Mary’s empathy for patients cannot be learned only experienced.
Mary has spoken with many patients referred to her by the clinic over the last 10 years, having offered much advice and support, from someone, who has first hand experience of the clinic. Many patients Mary speaks with, have a fear of the dentist, it is this fear that has necessitated extensive dental treatment for many people, as people put off visiting the dentist.
Mary has also promoted the clinic at various levels in the media highlighting her incredible journey in Dental care with Kreativ Dental Clinic. Mary is so passionate about her experience and due to the interest and enthusiasm in Ireland, for ‘world class dentistry in Budapest’ she is operating on a full time basis as Kreativ Dental Ireland, representing Kreativ Dental Clinic Budapest, Hungary.
Kreativ Dental Clinic are extremely proud to have Mary on board as their representative in Ireland, with her excellent people skills, communication skills and hands on approach, as part of their highly skilled and professional team.
Budapest has earned the reputation as being the dental capital of Europe with the Semmelweis University in Budapest internationally renowned, as one of the best dental training centres in the world. As a Member of the EU, dental care in Hungary conforms to EU regulations.
As well as the considerable financial savings for dental treatment abroad our patients can enjoy the opportunity of exploring the vibrant city of Budapest perhaps with a companion or family member.
Semmelweis University in Budapest is internationally renowned as one of the best dental training centres in the world. As a Member of the EU, dental care in Hungary conforms to EU regulations.
Kreativ Dental standards conform to and often exceed all the most stringent of EU regulations and requirements. The clinic has received hundreds of independent reviews and is accredited with the most important organisations in dental tourism and business practices.
Kreativ Dental Clinic have been accredited with the “Dental Treatment Abroad Code of Practice”.
The dentists who work at Kreativ Dental Clinic, have all been selected for their qualifications, expertise and experience. Most have been working at the Clinic for since it’s inception, 17 years ago, ensuring you receive continuity of service.
Extremely high standards of both doctors and facilities, combined with low prices and an easily accessible location in central Europe, make Hungary an easy choice when you are looking for Dental Treatment abroad.
If you would like a healthy mouth with a bright happy smile, Kreativ Dental Ireland, is where you will be guided and supported along your journey to achieve your dream smile. Our treatments include Dental Implants, Artificial Bone Replacement, Sinus Lifting, Porcelain Crowns, Porcelain Bridgework, Porcelain Veneers, Root Canal Treatment, Periodontal Surgery, Dentures and many more restorative dental procedures.
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Kreativ Dental Clinic © 2023
2007: Szeged University, Faculty of Dentistry
2013: Membership of ITI Danish Section (International Implantology Society)
2018: Straumann Implant Course
Ongoing: Regular annual further training courses
Speciality: General Dentistry, Dento-alveolar Surgery
Languages: Danish, English
“I chose this profession because it’s centred around people, is rooted in a desire to help, and because it’s manual, allowing me to create beautiful work. For me, it’s essential to be empathetic towards my patients. Above all, my most important professional and personal values are authenticity and quality.”
1999: Semmelweis University, Faculty of Dentistry
2001: Dental and Oral Diseases Specialisation Exam
2005: Examination in Conservative Dentistry and Prosthodontics
2018: Postgraduate Diploma of Dental Studies (Cardiff, United Kingdom)
2017: Straumann Implant Course
2018: CBCT Masterclass
Ongoing: Regular annual further training courses
Speciality: Prosthodontics, Dental Surgery (minor oral surgical procedures)
Languages: English
“From 2007 to 2019, I applied my dental expertise in Cardiff, United Kingdom. Since returning home, I’ve been utilising the knowledge I acquired at Kreativ Dental. As a proud father, I spend a significant portion of my free time with my family. Additionally, I’m heavily into sports, particularly running and swimming.”
1998 University of Szeged, Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Dentistry
2000 Examination in Dental and Oral Diseases
2007 Society for the Advancement of Anaesthesia in Dentistry (SAAD) National Course in Conscious Sedation, London, UK
2007-2008 Multi-System Implantology Certificate Course, Mr. T.C. Ucer, Trafford General Hospital, Manchester, UK – 1-year theoretical and hands-on course, UK
2008 2-year course at the Royal College of Surgeons of England Diploma in Implantology, UK
2009 Endodontic Fundamentals, University of Birmingham, Dental School, Postgraduate Office, Mr. Mike Waplington, Endodontist Specialist, UK
2009 Advanced Endodontic Course, Birmingham School of Dentistry, Postgraduate Centre, Mr. Mike Waplington, and Mr. A McRobert, Endodontist Specialists, UK
2013 Arcus Digma
Regular annual training
Specialty: Prosthodontics, fixed and removable replacements, complete dental rehabilitation with Arcus Digma digital measurement, dento-alveolar surgery
Languages: English
I spend my free time with my wife and three beautiful children.
“I believe in two things. One is family, and the other is persistent, hard work, after which I can say that I have done everything possible to maintain and improve the physical and mental health of my patients.”
2007: Semmelweis University, Faculty of Dentistry (summa cum laude)
2010: Postgraduate Specialisation
2010: Specialist in Periodontology
Ongoing: Regular annual further training courses
Speciality: Periodontology
Languages: English, German
“At university, I finished top of my class and later obtained an ‘excellent’ qualification during my postgraduate specialisation. I continually engage in both national and international further training courses to enhance and maintain my knowledge.
In my free time, I prefer spending time with my wife, who is also a dentist, and our son Áron. Additionally, I have a passion for running and exploring new places, whether it’s during a pleasant hike, as these activities help rejuvenate me and keep my life balanced. Movement plays a central role in my life; I am a regular runner and have completed half marathons 60 times.”
2012: Semmelweis University, Faculty of Dentistry
2015: Specialisation in Dento-alveolar Surgery
DIO Key Doctor
Ethoss Key Opinion Leader
DIO Navi Master Training
Speciality: Dento-alveolar Surgery
Languages: English
“Sport and a healthy lifestyle have always been close to my heart, so I spend my free time road cycling or sailing. For me, sailing is not just about the sport; it’s a way of life. It provides an excellent relaxation both mentally and physically.”
2011: Semmelweis University, Faculty of Dentistry
2014: Specialisation in Conservative Dentistry and Prosthodontics
Regular participant in domestic and international conferences
Speciality: Endodontics
Languages: English
“Gastronomy plays an essential role in my life. I regularly experiment with new recipes, dabbling with various spices and techniques to craft exciting and tasty dishes. I also have a passion for exploring new places and immersing myself in diverse cultures. For me, travelling is about broadening my horizons and collecting
memories and experiences from around the world. I am always eager for new adventures and the thrill of discovering the unknown.”
János is Leader of the Ceramic Department where all Porcelain Fused to Metal Crowns, Full Porcelain Crowns, Veneers and Inlays are skillfully crafted. Furthermore, he is one of the few exclusive demonstrators in Europe of the German company Vita which produces the best quality dental porcelain in the world.
Keve Horváth joined our team of dental technicians. He works in the Ceramic Department as a master ceramist. After he graduated in 1994, he furthered his knowledge from several symposiums in Hungary, Germany and Belgium (for example Noritake and Ivoclar). In 2006 he held a course „Esthetic Front” with a real patient presence, which is a special event in Hungary and also in Europe.
2000: Semmelweis University, Faculty of Dentistry
2002: Dental and Oral Diseases Specialisation Exam
2011: Smylist Smile Design Course
2011: Arcus Digma Training
2012: Examination in Conservative Dentistry and Prosthodontics
2013, 2015, 2017: "Competence in Esthetics" Aesthetic Dentistry Further Training
Ongoing: Regular annual further training courses
Speciality: Cosmetic Dentistry, Bite Correction with Arcus Digma Digital Measurement
Languages: English, German
“I enjoy cycling and swimming. Whenever time permits, I love to visit museums, galleries, and go to the cinema.”
1999: Semmelweis University, Faculty of Dentistry
2001: Dental and Oral Diseases Specialisation Exam
2011: Arcus Digma
2012: Examination in Conservative Dentistry and Prosthodontics
Ongoing: Regular annual further training courses
Speciality: Fixed and Removable Dental Prosthetics, Complete Rehabilitation
Languages: English, German
“Outside of my work, my wife, children, and I particularly enjoy spending our time by the water. The closeness of nature is very calming and relaxing for all of us.”
1992: Semmelweis University, Faculty of Dentistry
1995: Dental and Oral Diseases Specialisation Exam
1996: Dento-alveolar Surgery Training
2012: Examination in Conservative Dentistry and Prosthodontics
2011: Arcus Digma
Ongoing: Regular annual further training courses
Speciality: Dental Prosthesis, Cosmetic Dentistry
Languages: English
“The most important standards for me are patient satisfaction and the utmost precision in my work.”
1986: Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timișoara
1988: Târgu Mureș University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Dentistry Department
1992: Dentistry Specialisation Exam
2012: Conservative Dentistry and Prosthodontics Specialisation Exam
2011: Arcus Digma
Ongoing: Regular annual further training courses
Speciality: Cosmetic Dentistry, Implantology
Languages: Romanian, English, French
“My passion for the profession is not only reflected in my work but also in my personal life. I am proud to say that both my children now practice as dentists. In my free time, I enjoy hiking, mountain climbing, and skiing. However, my greatest joy comes from spending time with my grandchildren.”
1989: Semmelweis University, General Medical Faculty
1994: Semmelweis University, Faculty of Dentistry
1999: Dento-alveolar Surgery Specialisation Exam
2012: Maxillofacial Surgery Specialisation Exam
Ongoing: Regular annual further training courses
Speciality: Dento-alveolar Surgery, Implantology
Languages: English, German
“In addition to my daily oral surgery and dental engagements, I participate in various research projects at the Semmelweis University’s Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology in the Applied and Clinical Anatomy Laboratory, which focus on developing surgical solutions related to the human body.”
1992: Vienna Medical University (Pre-Clinical Studies)
1994: Semmelweis University, Faculty of Dentistry
1996: Dental and Oral Diseases Specialisation Exam
2008: Examination in Conservative Dentistry and Prosthodontics
2011: Arcus Digma
Ongoing: Regular annual further training courses
Speciality: Cosmetic Dentistry, Implantology
Languages: German, English
“When I can positively impact a person’s self-esteem and life by allowing them to laugh with confidence again, that’s what brings me a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction in my work. That’s why it’s worth it for me to work towards this every day.”